Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 2nd International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Technology Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Day 1 :

Conference Series Food Technology Congress 2019 International Conference Keynote Speaker Ozlem Tokusoglu photo

TokuÅŸoÄŸlu has completed her PhD at Ege University Engineering Faculty, Dept of Food Engineering at 2001. She is currently working as Associate Professor Dr faculty member in Celal Bayar University Engineering Faculty Department of Food Engineering. TokuÅŸoÄŸlu performed a visiting scholar at the Food Science and Nutrition Department /University of Florida, Gainesville-Florida-USA during 1999- 2000 and as visiting professor at the School of Food Science, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington,USA during April-May 2010. She has published many papers in peer reviewed journals and serving as an editorial board member of selected journals. TokuÅŸoÄŸlu published the scientific edited three international books entitled Fruit and Cereal Bioactives: Chemistry, Sources and Applications and entitled Improved Food Quality with Novel Food Processing by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis,USA Publisher,as third book Food By-Product Based Functional Food Powders by CRC Press,too; Dr Tokusoglu also published three national books entitled Cacao and Chocolate Science and Technology, Special Fruit Olive: Chemistry, Quality and Technology and third one as Frying Oils Science and Technology. She organized and/or administered as Conference Chair and Group Chair of Food and Nutrition at many conferences and congress in different continental countries as majorly in USA, Canada, Europe and Asia Pasific.


Alkaloids are a class of naturally occurring chemical compounds that mostly contain biologically important amine structures and include some related compounds in plants and animal foods. Alkaloids show greatly diverse matrix and origins as well as pharmacological and/or nutraceutical action that often demonstrate a marked physiological action. The only thing that unites all these natural compounds under the term ‘alkaloids’ (alkali-like) is the nitrogen atom that is present in all of them. They are known to be adrenergics, antibiotics, poisons, stimulants, diuretics, astringents, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensives, anti-mydriatics, analgesics, anti-gout, expectorant, emetic, anti-spasmodic and many others. Food alkaloids can be take part in chemistry,food industrial applications, food supplement and medical drug fortifier. Chemical alkaloid taxonomy in plants and animal foods, originating from protein and aminoacids like this xanthinealkaloids, phenolic based alkaloids, originating from plant cell cultures, pseudoalkaloids, ergot alkaloids and tropane alkaloids in plants and cereals, glycoalkaloids in potatoes, their properties, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical effects. It has been carried out methylxanthine alkaloids including caffeine, theobromine and theophylline in most consumed non-alcoholic beverages such as tea, coffee, cocoa majorly and chocolate and herbal teas as less. Phenolic alkaloids containing piperidine alkaloid from black pepper with pyridine structure and sanguinarine, narceine alkaloids from pomegranate fruits with isoquinoline based structure are also important compounds. Alkaloids are usually derivatives of aminoacids, many have a bitter taste and are found as secondary metabolites in plants (including potatoes glycoalkaloids as solanine, solanidine and their derivatives and tomato glycoalkaloids as tomatine), animals (such as shellfish neurotoxic alkaloids and marine alkaloids; saxitoxin and its analogs), and fungi alkaloids. Many plant and marine based alkaloids are poisonous at dose over, but some are used medicinally as analgesics (pain relievers) or anesthetic, particulary morphine and codeine; some as vinblastine are used to treating certain cancer types. Taxol is an anti-cancer (antineoplastic or cytotoxic) chemotherapy drug and taxol is classified as a plant alkaloid, a taxane and an antimicrotubule agent. As others, phenethylamine alkaloid ephedrine is also used as stimulant, decongestant and appetite suppressant in diet processed foods and nutraceuticals. A specific alkaloids in foods can alter after food processing. In this point; toxicity, carcinogenic, toxigenic structure and cancer formation should be dealed. Food sensitivity is an adverse reaction to a food which other people can safely eat, and includes food allergies, food intolerances, microbial toxications, and chemical sensitivities, whereas food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by body’s immune system. Foodborne allergic reactions can sometimes cause serious illness and death. Food allergy is a reaction of the body’s immune system to a certain food or beverage. In this context, food allergy is a very specific reaction involving the immune system of the body. At this point, distinguishing food allergy from other food sensitivities is the most important. Whereas food allergies are rare, food intolerances, which are the other classification of food sensitivities, are more prevalent. Several specific foods are responsible for the majority of food allergies, even though any food can stimulate an immune response in allergic individuals. It is known that peanuts are the leading cause of severe allergic reactions, followed by shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and eggs. Peanuts, tree nuts including almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts (filberts), macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts (pignolias), pistachio nuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, milk, eggs, fish including shellfish and crustaceans, soy, glüten, fava beans, garlic and onion, mustard are some of the most known allergic foods. HHP processing improved the reducing of allergenic structure and allergenicity of some foods. Recently, limited studies have been performed on HHP effects on the structure of known allergens and the elimination of allergen compounds in foods. Further studies are needed for some allergenic proteins in various food matrices

Conference Series Food Technology Congress 2019 International Conference Keynote Speaker Wojciech Piekoszewski photo

Wojciech Piekoszewski is a Professor of Medical Sciences with second degree of specialization in Toxicology. He is the Head of the Toxicological and Pharmaceutical Analysis Group and the Head of the Laboratory of High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry, of the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. He is also the Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Food Biotechnology and Pharmaconutriology. His research and scientific interests are in the application of metabolomics, proteomics and lipidomics as tools for diagnosis (biomarkers) of mental and neurodegenerative disorders, food safety, security, analysis of drugs and medicaments in biological materials.


Considering the unfavorable ecological situation in the world and the acute deficiencies of macro-and micronutrients in both adults and children, leading to various diseases and as a result, reducing life expectancy, the development of functional products and their introduction into (large scale) production is currently relevant. Dairy products (milk, ice cream) are quite promising in this regard, as they are not only widely consumed by all sections of the population, but are also a source of riboflavin, retinol and also contain other vitamins and beneficial, biologically active substances: Enzymes, hormones, immuno biological compounds and pigments (lactoflavin). The aim of the work was the development of dairy products with the addition of polysorbate, carrageenan and Fukolam from the Pacific shelf. The studied objects were, dairy drinks with the addition of biologically active substances, pasteurized milk, carrageenan, Fukolam C and polysorbate a polysaccharide obtained by the esterification of pectins from lime). The production technology of dairy drinks with polysaccharides of seaweed and terrestrial plant-based pectins differed from the standard scheme of milk production by adding additives after the pasteurization stage, before cooling. The quality assessment of the developed dairy drink with the addition of functional ingredients from seaweed was carried out according to organoleptic, physico-chemical and safety indicators in accordance with the code of alimentation. Thus, a composition was developed for three new dairy drinks with an optimum ratio of components for organoleptic and health effects; new technologies for the production of milk drinks, enriched with seaweed polysaccharides and terrestrial plant-based pectins have been described. The quality and safety of dairy products developedwere studied.