Dr Thierry Regnier is a full professor at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology at Tshwane University of technology, Pretoria (RSA). He received his PhD in 1994 at the University of Montpellier II in France with the focus on secondary metabolites in wheat. For a year he visited laboratories and research institutes in Syria, Indonesia and the United States of America. For almost two years, he held a teaching post in Ivory Coast. He then moved to South Africa in 1997 and immediately extended his field of expertise from Ecophysiology to genetics and plant pathology with an interest in chemistry. His main interest is the use of natural products for food conservation. His current projects encompass biocontrol, mycotoxins, Food safety, food processing (Biochemistry), food development of under utilised indigenous fruits and nuts, screening of microorganisms for new antibiotics, flagrances, natural pigments and biogas production. Professor Regnier is well known as supervisor for postgraduate students and he enjoys reviewing manuscripts, serving on advisory boards at the faculty and university level and sharing his knowledge and expertise with other members of professional and academic associations. He authors more than 45 peered reviewed articles and a book chapter. To date, he has supervised more than 3 doctorates and 15 masters.