Dr.Julijana Tomovska
University St. Kliment Ohridski, Macedonia
Julijana Tomovska completed education Chemical Faculty in Skopje, graduated January 1985, Postgraduate studies in the field of biochemistry January 2001. The first work was 1985 in the textile factory in Bitola as a director of dying section. From 1989 worked in Clinical centre, Dr. Trifun Panovski, in the section of laboratory research as qualified coworker in Biochemical and Hematology Laboratory. From 2003 she was assistant of Chemical sciences at University St. Kliment Ohridski Faculty of biotechnical Sciences - Bitola. In 2005 year she acquainted PhD in Chemistry and she started to work as assistant professor. From 25.12.2012 until 24.05.2015, was Dean of Faculty, regular Professor is from 12.09.2013. For now is member in Senate of University also is member in 12 Editorial Board and Reviewer in several Јournals. She has worked in many scientific projects of international and domain research.
Research Interest
Julijana Tomovska is actively involved in scientific research work in the area of chemistry, biochemistry and biotechnology. She is author and co-author of many scientific papers 120.