Dr Pelin Günç Ergönül
Associate Professor
Celal Bayar University
Dr Pelin Günç Ergönül has done her Post-doctorate on the Determination of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present in olive oils produced in Turkey and Spain, Department of Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, Jaén University. 2006-2011: PhD, on Oil Science and Technology, Celal Bayar University, Instiute of National and Applied Sciences, Manisa(2012) 2003-2006: MSc on Food Chemistry, Celal Bayar University, Instiute of National and Applied Sciences, Manisa 1999-2003: BSc in Food Engineering, Celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering Department, Manisa. Has Given Numerous Seminars on: Oligopolymers Formation in Oils and Its Determination, 2010, Celal Bayar University, Food Engineering Department. The Comparison of Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Solvent Extraction Systems, 2007, Celal Bayar University, Food Engineering Department. The effects of preparing methods on the phenolic compounds in table olives. 2006, Celal Bayar University, Food Engineering Department. Palm Oil, Its Production Methods and Usage Area, 2004, Celal Bayar University, Food Engineering Department. Oil Bottling and Pet Production Hygiene. 2004, Altınyağ Inc. Oil Seeds in Turkey and Their Productivity, 2002, Celal Bayar University, Food Engineering Department.
Research Interest
Vegetable Oil Science and Technology Food Chemistry,Instrumental Food Analyses.