Diabetes & Endocrinology

Being overweight or obese predisposes an individual to many medical problems including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, depression and some types of cancer. In the United States, the frequency of these conditions is increasing at epidemic rates.

Genes can affect the amounts and types of food that we prefer to eat. We all know that some people stay thin whatever they seem to eat and some become obese. Research shows that obesity tends to run in families and studies with twins and adopted children have shown that genes play a key role in this.

Many medications commonly prescribed for diabetes, depression, and other chronic diseases have weight effects, either to promote weight gain or produce weight loss. Knowledgeable prescribing of medications, choosing whenever possible those with favorable weight profiles, can aid in the prevention and management of obesity and thus improve health. Diabetes and endocrinology education, care and treatment. Research understand additional concerns that are often related to diabetes and provide programs and therapies to help individuals achieve their health goals

  • Diabetes prevention and management

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